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Recorded crime down 6% in Humberside

This week, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) revealed that Humberside Police area has seen decreases in most crime categories according to the latest recorded crime figures.

Deputy Chief Constable David Marshall said: “The figures released today highlight the continued hard work and significant efforts of our staff across all areas of policing, to make our communities safer.

“Covering a 12-month period, up to September 2024, our force area has recorded a crime reduction over double that of the national average, with Humberside Police delivering a 6.3% reduction in recorded crime against the national average reduction of 3.0%.

“The force has also seen significant reductions in the most serious offences including homicides, recording three offences in the 12-month period. Additionally, the force area has seen a 3.7% decrease in recorded sexual offences, in contrast to a national increase of 4.3%.

“Through implementing proactive measures and the development of a serious crime strategy, we continue to drive sustained reductions that are evident in the recent records.

“We have also seen significant progress in other areas, with a 26.9% decrease in the number of public order offences, which is almost double in comparison to the national decrease of 14.4% percent.

“Through effectively embedding national framework and initiatives, we are committed to reducing crime rates and improving investigations as well as the support and service we provide victims.

“Targeted and tactical crime prevention measures have contributed to reductions in recorded vehicle and bicycle thefts as well as arson and criminal damage offences.

“Whilst we have seen an increase in possession of weapons offences and drugs offences, I’d like to reassure our communities that these are marginal increases reflected by proactive policing, including intensified foot patrols and stop and search activities in hot-spot areas.

Summarising the report, Deputy Chief Constable Marshall said: “Despite the force tackling some of the largest and most complex investigations in our history, demanding significant investment of resources, the dedication and professionalism of our staff has delivered these encouraging results.

“We remain committed to protecting our communities, disrupting criminality, and driving further improvements. While we celebrate this progress, we are not complacent and will continue striving to make our force area safer for everyone.”

Police and Crime Commissioner, Jonathan Evison said: “‘As the elected representative to hold the force to account, I am delighted with the latest performance information shared today.

“It is of no surprise to me that the force continues to achieve these results, demonstrating their commitment to my Police and Crime Plan aims of having Safer Communities.

“I wish to pass on my thanks to the dedicated officers, staff and volunteers for their efforts in achieving these reductions in crime. Less crime equates to fewer victims of crime and us all feeling and being safer in our communities.

“I will continue to hold the Chief Constable to account on this positive trajectory and ensure the force remains focussed on reducing crime further.”  

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