Great Yorkshire Radio is the local commercial radio station for Hull, East Yorkshire & beyond. We provide a great mix of music, local information and conversation.
There are various ways of listening to Great Yorkshire Radio.
On your DAB radio
Great Yorkshire Radio broadcasts across Hull & East Yorkshire on DAB Digital Radio. Just look for Gt Yorks or Great Yorkshire on the list of DAB stations. You may need to perform a re-scan on your radio.
On Your Desktop Computer or Laptop
You can listen to Great Yorkshire Radio via the internet from anywhere in the world. Just click on the Listen Live button at the top of this page.
On Your Mobile or Tablet
You can now listen to Great Yorkshire Radio on your iPhone, iPad, Android devices or Kindle Fire through the RadioPlayer app!
Please visit the App Store, Google Play or Amazon appstore on your device and download the RadioPlayer app and search for us on there.
On Your Amazon Echo or Alexa-Enabled Device
To listen to our live broadcasting for Great Yorkshire Radio on Amazon Echo, simply say:
“Alexa, Enable Great Yorkshire Radio”
This will then enable our skill on your device. You can then say:
“Alexa, Play Great Yorkshire Radio”
On Your Google Home or Google Home Mini Device
We’re on Google Home too, via tune-in. To listen to our live broadcasting Google Home, simply say:
“OK Google, Play Great Yorkshire Radio”
Thank you for listening.