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‘Bradford Live’ sign can stay

The huge sign on Bradford Live can remain in place for another five years – despite the uncertainty over the venue’s future.

Advertising consent to install a huge digital sign on the front of the former cinema was granted in early 2019, around the same time the ambitious plans to convert the building into a live music venue were approved.

This advertising consent was in place for five years – and so an application to renew the consent was submitted to Bradford Council by Lee Craven of Bradford Live earlier this month. The application has now been granted.

Planners said: “Given the large-scale nature of the building, along with the blank elevations to the building, the proposed screen is considered an appropriate addition to the host building. It would provide interest and animation to the building, reflecting the vibrancy and nature of the proposed events venue.”

The venue was due to open this year, with NEC as the operators. However, after months of silence on the venue’s future, it was announced that NEC had pulled out in September. Bradford Council says it is currently searching for another operator for Bradford Live.

By: Chris Young, LDRS

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