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Regeneration project launches on Orchard Park

In the heart of Hull, as a part of a multi-agency led initiative yesterday, Monday 17 June, Humberside Police launched the Clear, Hold, Build initiative on Orchard Park Estate to tackle organised crime head on whilst helping to regenerate the community.

The community will see officers relentlessly pursue organised crime members using all available powers and tactics to clear the Orchard Park; continue activity to hold the location, so other gangs can’t take control in the vacuum; and work with residents and partners and charities to make the community a safer place to live, work and visit whilst making it one less susceptible to being exploited by organised crime groups.

Officers from the serious and organised crime unit alongside the neighbourhood policing team and partnering agencies have been clearing the ground in a bid to disrupt those involved in organised crime in the community, last year officers conducted 18 warrants, recovered 23 vehicles and arrested 126 people.

As a part of a phased approach, ahead of the launch, in the last two weeks, the team have arrested a total of 11 people and seized just under £4000 worth of drugs with more work ongoing.

Whilst disruption work will continue, in a bid to hold the ground, working closely with those in the community carrying out planned activities whilst offering advice and services to those who need it to.

Identifying hotspot areas, the team will begin work to build the community rolling out a variety of regeneration projects including the HOPE allotments which continue to prosper alongside a number of community based schemes.

Speaking following the successful launch event for the ‘HOPE: Hull’s Orchard Park Estate, initiative Community Policing Inspector Jamie Campbell said:
“In the last twelve months, the estate has been on a real journey and it has been a pleasure to work alongside my team, residents, local businesses, and partners as we continue to help Orchard Park prosper.

“This is just the beginning and whilst the main bulk of our disruption is on its way to stamp out organised crime operating in the area we are not stopping there.

“The residents of Orchard Park provide a real sense of community and pride to the area which has really shone through as we work with them on a number of projects in the area to help it thrive.

“Tackling drug crimes within the area remains a priority for us as it has a big impact on local communities, anti-social and disruptive behaviour often follows drug use and dealing.

“I would encourage anyone with any information about crime in their area is asked to contact Humberside Police on 101, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111. In an emergency always call 999.

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