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Sites for new road safety cameras in Bradford to be chosen

A meeting of Bradford Council’s Executive Committee will discuss a new framework for the identification of locations for cameras to enforce yellow box junctions, one-way systems and banned turns, to improve road safety in the district. 

The new framework is an evidence-led approach similar to the West Yorkshire Road Safety Camera Partnership in its approach to speed limit enforcement. The new framework is aimed at increasing road safety and reducing congestion across the district.

The new policy will allow a consistent approach to be applied when identifying sites to ensure that they target only those locations with a history of drivers failing to observe a signed restriction which have led to either collisions or congestion.

Problem areas will only be targeted after assessment of the site and the implementation of other reasonable measures has been considered, delivered or discounted.

Two sites have already been identified to be monitored and enforced by Bradford Council using the ANPR cameras. These are the yellow box junction at Godwin Street and Sunbridge Road and the no right turn restrictions in both directions at the junction of Shipley Airedale Road and Leeds Road.

Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Transport, said: “Road safety is a big issue for all of us and these enforcement cameras will allow us to take action against drivers who don’t follow the rules and will free up police resources and time so they can focus on more pressing issues. The use of this new framework will allow officers apply a consistent approach to assessing potential locations for these enforcement cameras,  thereby ensuring that this resource is efficiently targeted.”

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