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Politics News

Footage from an undercover Channel 4 reporter showed Reform campaigner Andrew Parker using a discriminatory term about the prime minister, as well

The prime minister said gambling on elections was “not something I would do” as he argued the immediate priority was to establish

The Essex force said it was looking “to establish if there are any criminal offences”. It came after the prime minister said

The prime minister was responding after supporters of Nigel Farage’s party were recorded making racist comments, including about the Tory leader who

He made the comments on the social media platform X, in response to the party’s opposition to the 20mph rollout. The Welsh

The TV personality, 35, joined political editor Beth Rigby and former Scottish Conservative leader Baroness Ruth Davidson for this week’s Sky News

The voting trends of such groups are incredibly complex and varied. There is no single narrative but several themes stick out from

Even 24 hours ago this was not the case – Scotland Yard wanted to take care of their own – the officers

Party activist Andrew Parker was captured by an undercover Channel 4 reporter posing as a fellow canvasser in Clacton, Essex, where leader

An exclusive YouGov poll for Sky News puts Labour on 35% in Scotland and the SNP on 29%. The Scottish Nationalists are

Liam Booth-Smith, Downing Street chief of staff, was interviewed last week by senior Gambling Commission officials and questioned about who knew about

Speaking to Sky’s Sophy Ridge, the Labour leader defended his party’s education policy to use the money to support state schools. Election

Speaking to Sky’s Sophy Ridge in Stoke-on-Trent on Thursday, the Labour leader defended his party’s education policy to use the money to

The Brexiteer Conservative is expected to attempt to replace Mr Sunak if the party is defeated on 4 July. Mr Baker hinted

The Labour leader said Bangladeshis have made a “massive contribution” to the UK economy – after his comments sparked such a backlash

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